Our engagement

Wearing Enyo means carrying our commitments.

Femme qui boxe dans un cours de boxe féminine

Put women in the spotlight

At Enyo Women's Fight Wear, we are committed to putting women in the spotlight in the world of combat sports. We firmly believe that the hard work of women in this sector must be recognized for its true value. They train just as hard as the men and deserve equal recognition. We are proud to offer a brand and equipment specially designed for them, to prove that women have their place in the ring. We believe in their right to express their femininity while practicing their passion, because gender should never be a barrier.

Femme qui boxe au sac de frappe

Give women confidence

We understand that getting into combat sports can be intimidating, especially for women. The unknown can cause fear and apprehension. Our goal is to give women confidence and encourage them to take the plunge. We want to break prejudices and stereotypes by creating caring environments in clubs. Combat sports offer many benefits, both physically and mentally. It would be a shame to deprive yourself of these benefits for fear of the judgment of others. At Enyo, we are here to support and inspire women who want to embark on this adventure.

Trois femmes tête côte à côté, solidarité

Fight against violence against women

At Enyo Women's Fight Wear, we are aware of the challenges that some women face, particularly those who are victims of violence. This is why we are committed to supporting the “Solidarité Femmes” association. A portion of the sales of our products is donated to this association which provides valuable assistance to women in difficulty. In addition, we organize self-defense courses within the association to allow women to regain self-confidence and feel safe. Together, we want to create a positive impact and contribute to the fight against violence against women.

Nous rejoindre, c'est contribuer à améliorer la condition des femmes

Chez Enyo, on a à cœur de pousser les femmes à accomplir ce qu'elles ont peur de faire.Que ce soit commencer un cours de boxe, postuler à un job à responsabilité ou pitcher devant des milliers de personnes.Et notre outil, c'est le sport.On a à cœur de donner le petit coup de pouce, l'élan de motivation et de confiance qui vous poussera à réaliser vos rêves les plus fous !

Iphone avec le compte instagram Enyo Women's Fightwear

Comment rejoindre la communauté Enyo ?

Il y a plein de façon de nous soutenir: vous pouvez vous abonnez à notre compte Instagram en cliquant ici pour nous donner de la visibilité, commander des vêtements pour nous donner les fonds nécessaires pour organiser des cours de boxe féminins et des stages de self défense et vous pouvez tout simplement parler de cette marque de sport de combat autour de vous ! Un like, un partage, un achat... Toute forme de soutien est la bienvenue pour contribuer à l'épanouissement des femmes et au développement des sports de combat féminins !
